En quelle année les Diamondbacks de l'Arizona ont atteint la Série mondiale pour la première fois ? a) 1997 b) 1999 c) 2001
Alex Ovechkin is the 3rd player with 10 Goals & 10 Assists in a single calendar month at age 36-or-older.Gordie Howe did it in Dec. 1965 and Teemu Selanne did it in Nov. 2006. pic.twitter.com/dbN7BG2cBl— ESPN Stats & Info (@ESPNStatsInfo) November 29, 2021
Alex Ovechkin is the 3rd player with 10 Goals & 10 Assists in a single calendar month at age 36-or-older.Gordie Howe did it in Dec. 1965 and Teemu Selanne did it in Nov. 2006. pic.twitter.com/dbN7BG2cBl